A deep dive into the German EV regulatory environment

In the EV space, laws determine many characteristics, set at both the EU and national levels. Most EU laws influence German laws, governing charging infrastructure availability and accessibility, particularly in buildings and parking spaces. These regulations cover required payment methods, data transmission, plugs, grid connection, and calibration. For instance, the regulations detail everything from the number of charging points needed per parking space to the mandatory installation of protective tubes for electrical cables in both existing and newly built buildings, the right of owners or tenants in apartment buildings to install a charging point, the payment methods required at charging stations, how prices can be set and their transparency level, and definitions of smart charging.

We will highlight the key laws and their respective roles.

EU Legislation

EU legislation shapes member states' laws. Two laws are particularly significant for EV infrastructure: the AFID and EPBD.

Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive (AFID - 2014/94/EU)
This law regulates public charging infrastructure, ensuring the use of common technical specifications to guarantee interoperability and ease of use, along with appropriate consumer information, including a clear price comparison methodology. It also requires member states to draft National Policy Frameworks (NPFs) outlining how they will expand the available infrastructure. Here is the latest overview of the implementation of AFID.

Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD - 2010/31/EU)
This law regulates the energy consumption of buildings and sets the conditions for charging infrastructure within buildings, along with the requirements for smart control.

German Legislation

We can see the EU's AFID and EPBD reflected in German laws such as LSV, GEIG, WEMOG, PAngV, and SchnellLG. We also highlight relevant authorities:

Relevant Authorities

- On a city level, the building authority approves construction work, and the road traffic authority handles parking markings.
- The calibration authority approves calibrated stations.
- Distribution grid operators approve grid connections.
- Bafa, the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control, provides grants for purchasing EVs.
- BNetzA, the Federal Network Agency, must be informed when installing charging points.
- kfW, the grant bank, provides grants for wallboxes.

Ladesäulenverordnung (LSV)
This law defines when a charging point is considered public, the minimal requirements for public charging points, and mandates registration with the Federal Network Agency. Effective since 2016, it required ad hoc use without a contract at public charging infrastructure by 2017. From 1.7.23, all new charging points must offer credit card payment options. Additionally, from 1.3.22 onwards, new charging points must have a standardized interface for exchanging data like power level, occupancy, and billing information. Public charging points must also have cables available so that EV drivers don’t need to bring their own. The definition of public and private charging points was updated, where private points must be signposted as such, and the group of users must be clear.

Gebäudeelektromobilitätsinfrastrukturgesetz (GEIG)
This law aims to increase the number of charging points in buildings with parking spaces by enforcing specific requirements based on the number of parking spaces and the building type (newly built, renovated, or existing). It has been effective since 2021.

Wohnungseigentumsmodernisierungsgesetz (WEG aka WEMoG)
This law grants any tenant or apartment owner in a multi-apartment building the right to install a charging point at their own cost, effective since 2020. Previously, unanimous consent was required.

Preisangabenverordnung (PAngV)
This law requires that prices be listed in kWh and communicated transparently. It has been in force since 2017, with specific provisions for fast-charging since 2019.

Schnellladegesetz (SchnellLG)
This law is intended to ensure the widespread availability of high-speed charging stations for EVs, with the goal of establishing 1,000 additional high-speed (above 150 kW) charging hubs. Tenders began in the summer of 2021, with completion expected by 2023. There are €2 billion in grants available. It has been effective since 2021.

Elektromobilitätsgesetz (EmoG)
This law aims to incentivize EV drivers by offering prioritized or cheaper access to parking or driving lanes. It has been effective since 2015.

Niederspannungsanschlussverordnung (NAV) & Technischen Anschlussregeln (TAR)
These regulations dictate how to connect electrical devices to low voltage grids. The 2019 amendment to NAV requires all wallboxes to be notified to the distribution grid operator, who has two months to approve if their total rated power exceeds 12-kilovolt amperes. Under the EnWG 14a energy law, remote load management by the grid operator may also be required.

Mess und Eichgesetz (MessEG)
This calibration law sets the requirements for public charging stations when selling kWh units. These stations must have a certified meter and an IT system to transparently display consumption.